space & urban design
w/ David Quintanilla & Luis Garí


Play is a hugely important part of the human being, but not only when growing up. Play helps nurture critical thinking and personality development and teaches us how to be creative. The benefits of play are far-reaching, but we give up play as adults for other pursuits that society deems proper for growing up. But what if we could use play to socialize, de-stress and have fun - just like kids? 

The Barcelona Museu del Disseny proposed us to develop a playground design at Carrer Mestres Casals i Martorell, in La Ribera, a neighbourhood in Ciutat Vella, Barcelona. The objective of this project is to connect the main ideas and concepts developed by Victor Papanek to the way the city of Barcelona understands play and public space. The Barcelona city hall has developed a plan for 2030 to improve the city through more diverse, creative, accessible, and inclusive playing areas. As students, we ought to propose a design project that enhances change in the way we understand play having as central concept the ideas developed by Victor Papanek.

Here blooms TIERRAS: the birth of a playground in a neglected corner of the neighborhood of La Ribera, to create a space that everyone can enjoy. TIERRAS shapes an experience that caters to the needs of the neighbors, who for years have longed for organic elements and social connection. Everything comes together in a space where the oldest and youngest can tap into our innate need for exploration, movement, creativity and group work; a space to reach out for our inner kid and let them play.

The concept of nature Nature Not Nature distills the idea of nature to bring the untamed wild world into the space without being literal. Organic shapes and soft lines are used as elements of contrast against the city’s sharp edges. Through curved, continuous surfaces, anyone can experience a space that stimulates our innate senses just as much as a hike to the mountain or a trip to the desert would do.

TIERRAS is a collaborative playground where users themselves, with the help of designers, create a space for the neighbourhood. It is to be developed in a workshop format where participants will interact with sand and other objects in order to create some sort of “urban dunes”, with spaces to walk, sit, play, rest, etc. The happening is to last one week, from Sunday to Sunday: presented on the first day, and the result solidified after the last, so it turns into a usable playground.

To ensure function inside of the free plan, two urban elements have been designed and developed to be placed before the event: a modular, curved bench that promotes social interaction and can be used in various ways; and a four-meter-tall light pole that features rotating lighting modules at different heights. These poles also include fixtures for the installation of canvas covers to protect from the sun. All of the elements have been designed to adapt to various layout changes.

TIERRAS is a space, an event, and a happening.
TIERRAS is a place for play.

TIERRAS is sand, but also wind and water.